Notes: International Brand Ambassador, Chivas Brothers Ltd

My name is Ken Lindsay, and I am the International Brand Ambassador for Chivas Brothers Ltd, the premium scotch whisky and gin company of Pernod Ricard.
In my role as brand ambassador, I am not only representing our scotch whisky brands, but also the culture and heritage of Scotland to more than 75 countries around the world!
As well as English, have you learned, or do you speak, any other languages?
I speak French, Spanish and Portuguese, and I’m learning Italian at night school this year! It i
s a fantastic boost to your confidence if you can communicate to people in other countries in their own tongue, and it definitely helps form collaborative business relationships much more easily.
Do you get the opportunity to go abroad as part of your job? If so, how do you communicate with people when you are there?
I travel abroad extensively and use my languages whenever possible while travelling. I do a lot of work in South America, France, Spain, Asia and Russia.
Do you think it is important to be able to speak other languages?
I think it’s not only desirable but essential to have at least one other language. The business world is now truly international, and another language is going to be regarded as the minimum requirement for aspiring business professionals in the future.
Which language or languages would you consider to be most useful?
I think any language would be useful. It's important just to have a language. From my experience, Russian, Mandarin and definitely Spanish are right up there in my sphere of work. Three of the fastest-growing economies in the world are Russia, China and Mexico, offering huge opportunities for bright, mobile young people.
Do you have a message to share about the importance and the benefits of language learning?
I believe that learning a language improves confidence, communication skills and professional development. It undoubtedly provides an advantage when job-seeking. Above all, it’s fun and mind-broadening to embrace different cultures and languages.
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